Suzuki String School of Guelph
Note by note nurturing our children and community
Offering children's music lessons in Guelph and the surrounding community
Toddler Music Lessons
A special program for children aged 0-3 years old.
Children’s Music Lessons
We provide violin, viola, and cello lessons for children and teenagers aged 3+.
Music Teacher Development
A two-year pedagogy course offered in violin and cello focusing on the Suzuki method.
Register Now
Already familiar with our program?
Start your children’s registration process online and we’ll get back to you.

Our Scholarships & Funds
If you need financial help to register your children, Suzuki String School of Guelph offers a series of alternatives.
Bursary Fund
The SSSG has a Bursary Fund to assist students in financial need. Applications for assistance are reviewed by a committee that is independent of the school.
The SSSG gives out close to $15,000 in bursaries every year.
Any SSSG student registering for the full program is eligible to apply, even first year students. The Introductory Program is not covered.
SSSG Endowment Fund
Our goal with the SSSG Endowment Fund is to ensure a permanent source of revenue to provide a well-rounded musical education to children from all social and economic backgrounds.
We hope to be able to offer subsidized instrument lessons and/or Suzuki Early Childhood Education classes at a school in an underserved neighbourhood of Guelph.
The long-term objective is to establish a $1,000,000 Endowment Fund ensuring the accessibility of our program for future generations.
Iris Tyron Memorial Fund
The Iris Tryon Memorial Scholarship is a bursary for full tuition for one school year.
There are two categories under which to apply.
1. Students who have been in the school for 5 or more years
2. Students who have been in the school for 1 to 4 years
This scholarship is not available to first-year students.
Kiera Schneider Memorial Scholarship
Kiera Schneider was a violin student in the Suzuki String School of Guelph who passed away in 2000 following a car accident.
The Suzuki String School of Guelph established the Kiera Schneider Memorial Scholarship to enable first or second year Suzuki String School of Guelph students to attend the Southwestern Ontario Suzuki Institute.

Support Us
Your donation keeps Suzuki String School of Guelph alive and provides musical education to children in need of financial support.
You can donate any amount you want, when you want, through Canada Helps. The donations are tax-deductible.
Get to know more about how you can help and make your contribution today!