Make a donation.

Your donation keeps Suzuki String School of Guelph alive and provides musical education to children in need of financial support.

You can donate any amount you want, when you want, through Canada Helps. The donations are tax-deductible.

Get to know more about how you can help and contribute today!

Make a donation

Our commitment to the community, our sponsors, donors and students is to provide a well-rounded musical education to as many children as possible, from all social-economic backgrounds.

Your donation keeps Suzuki String School of Guelph alive and provides musical education to children in need of financial support.

You can donate any amount you want, when you want, through Canada Helps. All donations are tax-deductible.

You have the option of directing your donation exactly where you choose.

Bursary Fund

We are proud to have sponsored many students over the years through our internal fundraising efforts towards our bursary fund. The SSSG gives out close to $15,000 in bursaries every year.

Endowment Fund

Our objective is to build a 1,000,000 Endowment Fund ensuring the accessibility of our program for future generations.


Your donation will be applied where the SSSG board and faculty feel it is most needed and can be used in any fiscal year.

Kiera Schneider Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship will enable first or second year Suzuki String School of Guelph students to attend the Southwestern Ontario Suzuki Institute.

Operational Fund

Your donation will be applied where the SSSG board and faculty feel it is most needed and can be used in the current fiscal year only.