SSSG Learning Timeline
Beginning Instrumental Lessons
(Typically ages 3-7)
Students join groups during the introductory period and start private lessons the next month when they are ready to join the school. Students continue to have group lessons and private lessons during their time at the SSSG. After the first year, students are put together into groups by repertoire and age. They develop skills in ensemble playing, reinforce technical lessons, provide a pleasant way of reviewing, provide a chance for solo performances and preparation for concerts, stimulate interest and motivation through watching and listening to more advanced students, offer opportunities for enriching musical knowledge of theory, music history or reading, give training in listening skills and concert behaviour, and provide a sense of group identity and social contact among children and parents.
Ages 6-8
Rhythmic Reading: Students can join our 3-year Rhythmic Reading program starting at the age of 6. This is a hands-on class where aural training, sight reading, manipulation of notes, whole body movement, and composition writing will all be a part of the big picture of learning to read music. Working with the notes and discovering the relationships between the values, along with introducing and incorporating other musical concepts instils a deeper understanding and internalization of these rhythmic concepts.
Age 8-12
Student orchestras: after completing the Rhythmic Reading program, and once students are at a minimum of a book two playing level, they can join our beginner string orchestra. This is an incredibly enriching class, both musically and socially. Most students play in the beginner orchestra for 2-3 years.
Age 10-16
GYMC student orchestras: After our beginner orchestra, we encourage our students to join The GYMC run orchestras (junior, and intermediate), which are meant for students between late book 3 through book 6 (RCM levels 4–7).
RCM exams offer experienced teachers who prepare students for exams. Suzuki repertoire is incorporated into the syllabus. Exams demand commitment and self-discipline from students, parents and teachers. Consider the student's playing level before committing. The exam program offers high-school music credits for grades 11 and 12.
Senior groups, as well as our senior chamber orchestra, Concorde. Students at this level have more performances during the year and often have more additional workshops to develop excellent performance and technical skills. Senior students have participated in trips to Poland, China, Spain, Minneapolis, Chicago, France, and Japan, as well as exchanges with students across Canada, from Newfoundland to Montreal, to Alberta.
Age 13-18
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